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14 September 2023 18:00-19:30 CEST

ICF Sweden invites you to participate in a mBIT webinar

Have you ever worked with people who act as if they have a conflict between their thoughts, feelings and actions? Or people who don’t act upon or sabotage their goals, plans and dreams? Or anyone who has difficulty making decisions or in breaking bad habits without really knowing why? Or maybe they feel that something is missing and they’re not fully connected to their deepest inner self?
Then chances are that their brains are not fully aligned and using the power and innate wisdom of their multiple brains. For when the head, heart and gut are coherently aligned with each other, they produce emergent wisdom that allows a person to deeply tap into intuitions and competencies you simply cannot get from the head alone. This is what mBIT (multiple Brain Integration Technique) coaching does, by integrating brains with each other in an optimal way.

During this 1,5h webinar you learn more about mBIT coaching and get the possibility to try techniques in breakout rooms.  


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Speakers and Moderators

Reb Veale
Author, mBIT Trainer & Master Coach, NLP Master Trainer

With over 20 years’ experience working as a senior leadership, learning and development professional, I have a pragmatic and intuitive approach. I am pleased to have collaborated with both public and commercial sectors, with clients of all sizes, from government to heavy manufacturing and global retail to sole traders. I've developed a thorough understanding of the challenges and dynamics at senior levels in public sector organizations and the commercial agenda in the private sector. I use this insight to contextualise all learning, to drive ‘real world’ behavioural changes & therefore realize benefits. Expect me to supportively ask the awkward questions and then to look beyond theoretical models for contextually-appropriate and fundamentally transformational practices to benefit you and your business. If what you are doing is working: celebrate it. If it’s not; let’s talk.

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Lars Lagerstedt

Lars is Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and is part of ICF Sweden's Board of Directors. Lars has worked for many years with management teams, workplaces, business development and change management in large international as well as national organisations.

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We meet online

You will receive a link to the Zoom meeting in the confirmation email sent to the email address you provide when registering.

The webinar provides the following CCE units

0.75 - Core Competence Units (CC)

0.75 - Resource Development Units (RD)

CCE points are for those who are ICF certified coaches and are used in connection with the renewal of your certification, every 3 years.
The CCE points are sent to the email address you provide when you register and note that you need to participate throughout the training programme to receive the CCE points.

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